Sunday, April 15, 2018

Vampiress Review: "Graveyard Shift: Central Park Drifter"

The Gist: A Vampire who holds a night job as a cab driver confronts women who want to die and turns them into vampires with his latest target being a video producer dying of cancer. 

Clarification: The films title was changed to "Central Park Drifter" in later DVD productions more than likely to not confuse it with the Steven King book/movie of the same title.  In it a cab driver named Stephen Tsepes  picks up women who are down on their luck and want to die.  When he realizes their situations he has sex with them and bites them.  The issue with this is the women end up falling in love with him and he just goes on to the next one.  That leaves the city full of female vampires murdering people left and right.  That means half the film is Stephen going after a married film producer dying of cancer and half of the film being cops trying to solve the murders showing up in the morgue with bite marks and drained of all their blood.

Female Vampire Factor:  As mentioned there are quite a few female vampires in the film.  The biggest turn off is that when they vamp out in the film they look like they're covered in baby powder.
But in the "do they are don't they" question about the main female of the film Michelle (Helen Papas).
 The answer is indeed yes she does turn.  Though it wasn't much of a question of if in the film as much as when since she was a willing victim and she's a vampire in a dream sequence earlier in the film.
But when it does happen she is the only one to not get the white powder treatment.

I give it a Vampire Beauty Rating of  3 out of 5.  This was one of my favorite vampire films of the 80's along with the "To Die For" and "Fright Night" franchises.  Once you've seen those you've seen the best 80's vampire franchises. 
"The Understudy: Graveyard Shift 2"

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